Plant Signaling & Behavior - Landes Bioscience Nanometer-scale elongation rate fluctuations in the Myriophyllum aquaticum
Journals for Free - Journal detail: Plant Signaling and Behavior Selective autophagy receptor Joka2 co-localizes with cytoskeleton in plant cells .... Calculated (expected) Impact Factor for Plant Signaling & Behavior. IF.
Plant Signaling and Behavior - Scimago Journal & Country Rank Plant Signaling & Behavior is a peer-reviewed journal available in print and ... it is computed using the same formula that journal impact factor ™ (Thomson ...
Plant signaling & behavior - ResearchGate Plant signaling & behavior (Plant Signal Behav ). Description. Impact factor. 0.00. 5-year impact. 0.00. Cited half-life. 0.00. Immediacy index. 0.00. Eigenfactor.
Plant Signaling & Behavior | Facebook Plant Signaling & Behavior. 430 likes · 2 talking about this. Frantisek Baluska, Editor-in-Chief.
PEB::Publications - Plant Energy Biology 30 Sep 2014 ... [PUBMED] [DOI online source] Impact Factor: 12.486. 62. Van Norman JM .... Plant Signaling and Behavior 9(2). [PUBMED] Impact Factor: 2.0.
Plant Behavior Plant Signaling and Behavior describes a growing, but also old and fascinating field in plant biology addressing the physiological and neurobiological basis of ...
The Impact of the Impact Factor : Survey among Plant Scientists The Thomson Reuters marketing tool, the Impact Factor® (IF), is currently the only ...... make strategies as they did for the journal Plant Signaling and Behavior, .
Impact Factor: 2.478 - National Center for Biotechnology Information Impact Factor: 2.478 ... However, the impact factor does not rise with the publication of more articles but rather with the publication ... Plant Signaling & Behavior.